One thing I want you to know about United Radio is:
Our culture is the difference maker for any stakeholder. Leaders “walk the talk” relative to our Core Values and they are the foundation of every decision we make.
Who is someone you admire, and why?
I admire Arnie Rubenstein, the Chairman of our Board. Arnie is a life-long learner, humble and steadfast in his commitment to customer service.
What makes you the happiest at work?
Watching the growth and development of not only those in my charge but other employees throughout the organization, including my peers.
I know more about this than most anyone:
Even my ego isn’t large enough to allow me to answer this question!
When not at work, you’ll probably find me doing this:
Reading, thinking about, preparing for, or playing golf.
Looking into the future, the one thing I’m most excited about for United Radio is:
Witnessing the achievements of the next generation of family and leaders in the company.
What are some causes you care about and why?
I am passionate about prevention of abuse and domestic violence of adults and children. I have a keen interest in supporting veterans and adoption of dogs.